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Der Künstler

Kontakt Kritiken Veröffentlichungen Step by Step

Dru Blair Eddy Wouters

Eddy Wouters

When I first met Meinrad Froschin in the mid 90's, he was already an artist of great repute. Little did I realize at the time, what great works of his were yet to come. In the last decade, he has created astonishing works of art, many of which are contained in the pages of this book.
In today's world, there are many artists that call themselves Photorealists, but few attain the level of quality and innovation in their work as Meinrad Froschin. Meinrad doesn't just recreate reality, he conjures up convincing illusions of reality where none existed before, and he does it with perfection.
Many artists might be satisfied with the skill of being able to copy a photograph, whereas Meinrad takes it a step further, and creates illusions of reality that are so convincing that we cannot distinguish between which aspects of his work is real and which comes from his imagination.
Although Meinrad has clearly explained his technique, his execution still seems impossible to imitate. He is able to apply paint to the surface one color at a time, literally mixing his colors on the board where there is absolutely no room for error. Consider what this act entails; not only does every airbrushed stroke have to be in the correct place, but it must also be the correct amount of paint and in the correct proportion to the other color; an impossibly delicate balance of colors. Any airbrush artist knows how unforgiving the transparent medium can be. If Meinrad were to hold his trigger down for a half of a second too long on any of the colors he uses, the effect would be significant. Yet he manages to create a perfect balance.
Even more astonishing than Meinrad's control of color is his ability to render subtleties such as fine facial hairs with amazing precision and subtlety. Many people have often exclaimed that the level of Meinrad's rendering was "impossibly precise."
Equal to Meinrad's accomplishments as an artist, is his gift for teaching. Meinrad is a charismatic instructor who cares deeply for the welfare and success of his students. His warm personality, quick wit, and sense of humor has earned him the admiration and respect of both his students and peers.
Dru Blair

Eddy Wouters